Spooky Style!

Fashionista Jessica Farkas

The season is finally here where it is perfectly acceptable to eat as much candy corn as you want and dress like a completely different person. While buying gobs of candy, you might stop buy the costume department of each store, or look vigorously online to find the perfect costume for Halloween. This is perfectly fine, but there is always another option and that is making the costume completely yourself.

You don’t need to know how to sow or be a designer to make your own costume. Honestly it takes a hot glue gun and a great imagination. And jessfarkasthere are so many perks to making your own costume. You can make your costume completely your own vision. Exactly how you want to look that night, you can make it that way.

Making your own costume will be more creative than and not as cheap as the store bought costumes are made. They can be completely original and something that you can keep your entire life. Yes, it is simpler to go out and buy a simple costume, but you can make a simple or extreme one all on your own.

One year I got a $15 white sun dress from Forever 21, sowed a red ribbon around the waste, then found an old nurses hat at an antique store for $5 and added jewel’s and crystals all over it, wore a pair of red high heels, and it was as simple as that to make my simple yet fun nurse costume.

The next year I went a little more out. My favorite celebrity ever would be Miss Katy Perry, so if I was going to be her, I was going to go all out. First I found a bustier that was classy, yet made me look somewhat like by favorite star. Then I glued Styrofoam cupcakes to each side. My skirt was a simple pink skirt that I glued candy buttons all over. I made a headband with a $3 band, tied a tulle bow on top of it, and completed with a giant lollipop down the middle. $15 sparkly shoes completed the outfit.

Homemade costumes can be a lot of work, but they can also be a lot of fun. Remember that whatever you decide to be for Halloween and whether you make it or buy it, Halloween is your chance to express your sense of style while being someone or something totally different then who you are.

O no she didn’t tip of the week: Contrary to the previous notion that Halloween is the only night you can dress more risqué…it’s not. There is definitely a line between classy and inappropriate. There is a way to be classy and sexy at the same time. Be sexy, but remember that your clothes can express who you are at any time, even on Halloween.