Birds of a Feather Need Not Flock Together

By: Rev David Wilson Rogers

It was nothing more than human nature. After all, it is natural that proverbial “birds of a feather will flock together,” and that is exactly what they did. Having invited Jesus to dine with them—which in all probability was more an underhanded attempt at entrapment rather than a heartfelt invitation—the Pharisees took their seat. Then Jesus ceased on the occasion to teach a valuable lesson that needs to be heard in our world right now!

The 14th chapter of Luke’s Gospel records the teaching and parable that fundamentally address a critical flaw in our human nature. We like to associate with people who are like us. The on-line and cyber world has only exacerbated the devastating consequences of this very tempting, yet also very destructive sin. It is, in large reality, a sin that is destroying the church and the very fabric of the nation today!

It is natural to want to be with people who share similar beliefs, attitudes, dreams, and life experience. People who represent attitudes contrary to one’s own can often seem hostile, corrupt, or even outright threatening. People do not like to hear ideas or perceptions of reality that contradict their own understanding.

As a result of these divisions, we tend to polarize into ideological enclaves that serve to affirm and support our own world-view, politics, religious beliefs, and moral assumptions. Formal titles such as “Republican” or “Democrat” are sometimes used. Less formal labels such as “liberal” or “conservative” are also frequently used. Pejorative and degrading insults such as “idiot” are all-too-often tossed out as absolute descriptors for those whose worldview is fundamentally different.

Modern media and the unavoidable influence of social media have only deepened the divide. We tune into TV news that intentionally slants toward particular ideological leanings. That does not necessarily mean they are reporting fake news, but it is vital to understand that all news is presented in a manner that will draw a desired audience. Social media and the internet make this reality even worse. With the ease and universality of internet access, people can post, publish, and disseminate whatever they want—fact or fiction, true or false, biased or unbiased—all in an attempt to draw an audience, influence others, make a statement, and be heard. In so many cases the fundamental reality is that the presumption of truth is little more than creating a reality that emotionally appeals to a specific audience; even when that presumed reality is really nothing more than a fabrication.

When eating with the Pharisees, Jesus knew something that so many Americans today have long-forgotten—or perhaps never truly understood at all. When all we do is surround ourselves with our friends, with people like us, or people with whom we will find agreement, affirmation, and unquestioned support, we fail to comprehend the broader depth and blessing of the greater human community.

In this age of political hatred and bitter arguments over symbols, flags, and ideologies, perhaps it is time we stop sitting with our friends and those with whom we already share whole-hearted and passionate agreement. Rather, perhaps it is time we sit down at the tables of fellowship and listen to those with whom we do not ever agree, whose life story is vastly different from our own, and whose political and religious outlook is personally offensive. The blessing is in the breadth and diversity of human community rather than the certainty of being right!