The Law of Compensation

By: Joseph Douglas Rich


In life, we are each responsible for gaining a well-rounded education. A well-rounded education includes being aware of and using certain laws that transcend (rise above) the laws of our countries and man. These laws will always guide us, to do what is right for everyone involved. They are “universal laws” because they apply to all people throughout the world.

Today, I would like to share with you a law that will make you, not only a happy person but also a prosperous person regardless of the circumstances around you. The law I refer to is known as “The Law of Compensation.” It is worth noting that this law applies whether you are aware of it or not, so it is good to become aware and apply it, thus gaining its benefits. “The Law of Compensation” is taught in every religion in some form and simply stated it tells us this: Whatever we send out into the world in the form of our thoughts, words and actions will come back in a like manner. Thoughts are things and the law of compensation working. He or she who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and he or she who sows bountifully will reap bountifully.

Each of us must do as we have made up our minds to do, without reluctance and feeling under compulsion. The Gods of all love a cheerful giver. The many faces of God can provide with every blessing of abundance, so that you will always have enough of everything, and will provide for every good work. In a physics science class, you will learn that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Like these established rules, we come into contact daily with the opportunity to plant and seed for now and the future, fully expecting our good to return to us much folds. Let the “Law of Compensation” grow in your awareness during the days and years ahead. Nature shows us dark and light, ebb and flow, heat and cold, balancing, male and female. Science shows us polarity we can see in contrast, attraction and repulsion, cause and effect, and subjective and objective. Our religions teach us spirit and matter, good and evil. You see all around you wisdom versus ignorance, health versus sickness, and riches against poverty. All the holy ones teach us we must “Give and it will be given you,” Luke 6:38 Judge not and ye will not be judged.”

It is crucial you plant your seeds for success. You are an individualized expression of good and use your God’s power. You have a creative capacity within you through the thoughts you think each day. These thoughts must become focused on the good followed by action. Begin where you are. You will see an opportunity to help all around you in small ways. As you begin to engage the power in you, the universal love force will rush to assist you because you’re, aligned with the higher spiritual powers.

Perhaps in another lifetime you were not aware of these laws and did not use them for good. So consider, now is just an opportunity where you find yourself. Read good books, good magazines, place yourself around people who support all people equally. Do not waste your energies on the problems of those committing evil ways; instead, begin to take every good step you can. Begin in small ways. Take care of your obligations and pay your debts. You need not wait a lifetime or for other incarnations. You can become leaders focused on good and truth and be a blessing today where you are and join all of us who are raising the consciousness of our countries and the planet. Draw upon the goodness in you and what is yours will unfold for you.

If you find yourself in sickness, poverty, or unhappy, and you feel bitter about the injustice around you; you must realize that every thought of fear and anger compound, and you will only attract more. Every thought of disease will attract more. Visualize in your mind healing light and send it to people on the street. Send them compassion and love. You will begin to see your world change. It is not about reading this article; it is about “doing these things” that is, “The Law of Compensation.”

Good can come to you in many ways. Do not allow the evidence of senses and eyes to blind you, to the help coming to you; through using your faith and good minds thoughts. If you wish to change your future, begin now, to plant the seeds, help others with joy, and expect your good will come to you. Do not focus on receiving because this will lead to focus on what you don’t have. Instead, begin to give what you have this very moment. You are more than you believe; you are more than society tells you. Be a channel for good, plant those seeds. I close with a short story.

I once told a man in Thamel, Kathmandu who wished to do good work to spend the money and good would come back to him if his “intention’” was to serve his brothers and sisters. He explained to me he had 68,000 rupee (Rs), which he wanted to use, to help children in the way of a home. He said to me, “Joseph I will spend this money, and it is my last, and he called the landlord to make payment. No more than five minutes later a German woman came to the building we were visiting in and asked if there was anyone who could teach a Buddhist monk English. Several people in the circle of friends said, “No, we cannot help you,” even though, they spoke good English. They turned to me and asked if I would be able to help and I simply agreed. This woman then reached into her bag and gave me, without my asking, 68,000 Rs as a gift for agreeing to teach. I turned and gave the money to the man who just gave his last monies away to help children on the street. All of this happened in five minutes or less.

You never know how “good” compensation, will come your way, but if your “intention” is honest and good, the God Spirit, will show you many blessings. The key is to be open to receiving, expect it, and do not place limits on (how or when). Plant your seeds. Say, “Yes,” with the opportunities you will be sent to help your brothers and sisters.

Peace be still and know the truth.