Ways to Relax

By: Kendall Schneider

It seems as if school just started, but we are already more than halfway through September and midterms are just a couple of weeks away. That being said, I have noticed my own stress level rising, and I’m sure other people are starting to get a little overwhelmed too. I want to give you five quick tips about ways to help you relax and relieve stress while still being productive in this busy season of life:

1. Start your morning slow

There is nothing that is more stressful than waking up late and scrambling to get ready for class or work. Set your alarm a little bit early, giving yourself more time than it will actually take you to get ready. That way, you can take your time eating breakfast, drinking some coffee, and gathering the things that you will need for the rest of the day.

2. Take breaks

When it seems like there is no way I can possibly finish everything that I need to get done, I make sure to take several breaks. That sounds counteractive— but taking a five minute break once every one or two hours will help you to relax and regain focus for the rest of your tasks. Stop and eat a snack or take a short walk outside to get some fresh air.

3. Create your own space

Create a study or work space that makes you happy, but doesn’t distract you. Maybe hang some special pictures of you and friends, or quotes that inspire you. I usually also keep a lightly scented candle on my desk so that I can make my study area feel cozy rather than stressful. Also keeping it tidy and less cluttered will make you feel more organized and less stressed.

4. Talk to a friend

Do you have a friend that is attending another college or lives in a different state? Send them a message and see if you two can set up a time to video-chat. Chances are, they are in the same situation as you. Taking a short break to laugh and catch up with someone you miss is a great way for you (and them) to take a breather and relax a little bit before getting back to work.

5. Take a short break from social media

When I have a lot to do, I often find myself taking a “break” but end up spending way too much time on social media. For those days or weeks when my schedule is extra full and my to-do list is very long, I delete some of my social media apps like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. It is up to you which ones to delete. For example, I leave Pinterest on my phone because I am better at controlling my time with it than with others. Not having those distractions has allowed me to get more done in a shorter amount of time, ultimately making me less stressed and calmer.