Stefan Kiesbye

Stefan Kiesbye, assistant professor of English and Creative Writing, is a published writer. Many rave about Kiesbye’s work. These include Opra, LA Times, and Entertainment Weekly’s: The Must List!

Kiesbye has three published books thus far. They are: Next Door Lived a Girl, Your House is on Fire, Your Children All Gone, and the third, which has only been published in Germany so far, Messer, Gabel, Schere, Licht (Knives, Forks, Scissors, Falmes).

The writing of Kiesbye is mostly dark. “It is looking at the world and registering what’s going on,” said Kiesbye. His inspiration many times comes from old legends and fairytales and how he thinks they would interact with modern times.

When Kiesbye was growing up, in his mind, there was no difference between the fairytale world and reality, they were connected.

“He is probably one of the nicest guys ever, but writes super, SUPER dark,” said Eastern’s professor Patricia Dobson.

Kiesbye has also published short stories, poetry, and non-fiction pieces. He has been seriously writing for 20 years.

He has been teaching at ENMU for two years. Kiesbye is involved in sharing his work on campus. He has previously shared readings from books and recently was a part of the Jack Williamson Lectureship Series. At the series, he read from his work and was part of a panel for advice for beginning writers.

Kiesbye received his undergraduate degree from The Free University in Berlin. He has a Masters degree in American Studies from the University at Buffalo and a second Masters degree in Creative Writing from the University of Michigan.