Stress Relief & Dead Week

by: Maurissa Munoz

Dead week is on the verge of ending and finals are approaching quickly. There are a few things that can be done to prevent the loads of stress accumulated from preparation of finals. To keep from pulling out your hair, students, or becoming “dead” yourselves, try these de-stress techniques.

There are five easy ways to calm worried minds. First off, take a breather. Take a moment to really breathe deep. Breathing through your nose, hold that for a few seconds, and finally slowly release the breath.

Second, walk away. Taking a physical break from studying can help relieve stress. Taking a short walk is a simple way to subside some anguish.

Third, if physical distance is not an option, closing your eyes and picturing yourself in a blissful place can help.

Fourth, laughing helps! Ask a friend to tell you a joke or Google search funny images. A few minutes of laughter can lighten your load.

Fifth, coach yourself for the actual day of the specific final. When you are studying a subject, continue to tell yourself “I will do great!” Positive attitudes help more than one would think!

Additionally, there are food choices to help limit stress. WebMD shares a few great tips.

A warm bowl of oatmeal, a healthy comfort food can release calming brain chemicals such as serotonin.  Complex carbs do the same thing! Whole-grain cereals, breads, and pastas are examples. These carbs help you feel full, balanced and keep blood sugar levels stable.

Oranges are another great food. Oranges do the trick because of their high levels of Vitamin C. They can help lessen stress and at the same time are building up your immune system.

There are hundreds of techniques for stress relief, and these are some fabulous ones! Good luck with Finals!!!