New Student Organizations

As a student, it’s important to feel included in your chosen major and department. Two new clubs on campus are aiming to help you feel just that!

The ENMU English Club, referred to as “The Desperate Optimists,” takes initiative from their namesake Jack Williamson. “’Desperate Optimist’ is what Jack Williamson called himself, and it adds a little bit of legitimacy to our group,” said senior English major Chelsea Morse. She hopes to see the club bring awareness to the English Department and to get people interested in English.

Morse, along with others, helped to start the club because of a passion for English, literature, and writing. By participating in the club, she hopes that members will become more interested in these subjects and all they have to offer. “English is such a taboo subject, but it’s a good thing to have,” she says of the club’s focus.

Morse doesn’t want the club to be strictly educational, but she does hope that “members learn something and get something out of it. I want them to share their work. We are going to be doing writing workshops, sharing our own pieces, and maybe even performing them at readings,” she explained.

Along with furthering the creative minds of the group, Morse hopes that it becomes a force on the community and on campus. Working alongside VOICES, the club will be hosting a combined food and book drive later in the semester.

As for the future, Morse hopes to see “more than the five members we have. I hope there are fifty members, minimum. I hope that they are constantly in the community and well-known on campus.”
The second newly minted club on campus is the Communication Club. Co-founders Rocio Avitia and Lake Baker started the club “in order to connect and provide support to communication students.”

Brooke Williams, a senior public relations major, was brought on to help facilitate the work done in the club. “Every department has their own group, and we didn’t have that. We wanted somewhere that we could make a name for ourselves,” Williams said of the club’s formation.

Williams hopes that the club becomes an outlet to facilitate the ideas of communication students. “If you have something really cool on your mind, you can take it to the Communication Club where you have a group of people at your disposal who have more resources than you would normally have on your own.”
Williams would love to one day have a designated meeting spot so that the group is as accessible as other groups on campus – and just as well-known. She wants people who join the Department of Communication to automatically know about the Communication Club.

To join the ENMU English Club, please contact Chelsea Morse at To join the Communication Club, please contact Lake Baker at If you have a club that is new to ENMU this semester, please contact Emma Pennypacker at

Story by Emma Pennypacker