Live Like You Are a King

By: Joseph Rich

Be not sad but like the sun in mid-July. Now is a time for fullness and gladness in your hearts. Not every person is called to produce outstanding greatness and abundance. Only those born to be great leaders are destined for greatness as he or she is directed to what is great, the “creative” force in life supports you. Know, even those who reach the heights have only a brief time of glory. Even a king might feel sad during the time of decline, which always follows abundant times. However, sadness does not fit a KING.

If you are to become a leader, you must be inwardly free of sorrow and cares. You must be able to be like the sun, gladden and shine a light on all around you. You must illuminate all things under heaven.

Do you wish abundance in your life? If so, be prepared to have a union of clarity in thought and energetic movement. Then you will go forth and be met with recognition. In the world, you will be met with mistrust and hate. If you hold to the truth, good fortune will follow you. Sometimes you may find yourself where a party is in power that has usurped power. If you try to make energetic moves during this time, only mistrust and envy will follow. The one thing you must do in a time such as this is to hold to the inner truths within and its power. It can and will exert an invisible influence on others in high positions. Let wisdom accompany your decisions.

Anger will always sink the boat. In this expanse, we call our earth; we all must cross a lifetime. Let each minute be “mindful” and filled with all the dignity and compassion we can find. Allow yourself to be an instrument for the good of the whole. Your silent thoughts have a great effect. My thoughts and blessings are with you. Be open to receiving your good, which is coming your way.

There are times in the lives of all peoples when one might ask, “What is this world coming to?” The entire world is watching the people and country of America to see what will happen next. You have before you the opportunity to affect positive outcomes for your life and the lives of others around you.

Your silent blessings of the minds and hearts of all parties concerned can have a deep powerful influence on the outcome of our mutual future. You have so much more power within than you currently realize.

The events of the past weeks represent in many ways a lack or absence of love. Love is the single most crucial thing that is needed by everyone at this time and in moving towards a future of peace. Get together with people of like mind, who are willing to put forth ideas of how to bring about peace. First, find peace within your selves and then peace in your family. Yes, peace in your personal family! You must be a light and tower of compassion and example of non-judgment to your family, and the events, such as those concerning the body politic will not happen again.

In the privacy of your room or home, bless and send your healing currents of compassion and love to the remaining royal family and to all the officials who are under great pressure during this time. Be strong and dedicated that your thoughts are powerful currents that do make a difference. Start where you are in your own home. Tell someone today they are loved; see them in a new way through the eyes of Lord Buddha, Krishna or even the Christ Holy Spirit. All the powers of creation are within you, to turn towards and begin using your spiritual gifts. Lead the way. Be a doer of the teachings. Your heritage is divine, and your gifts are needed. The entire world is watching you. Be a positive force for truth and light. Choose to use the light you have in seemly small ways and more will be given. I promise.