Christians and Gun Violence

By: Rev. David Wilson Rogers

Once again, the nation has been traumatized by the violence of a school shooting and the bitter debate over guns that inevitably follows. Amid the contentious debates that inevitably arise after such tragedies, it is important to prayerfully consider the role of the church. Unfortunately, the church has miserably failed when it comes to the question of gun violence.

There are those in the church who absolutely abhor guns. Calling on scriptures such as Matthew 26:52 where Jesus vehemently warns the church that anyone who lives by the sword will also die by the sword. Christians invoke Biblical principles of non-violence to denounce guns as sinful. Christians believe that to take up arms—even in the defense of what can be considered a just cause—is a violation of God’s will. Therefore Christians must not carry guns and actively work for the removal of guns, especially military style weapons, from society.

There are also those in the church who see the gun as a necessary tool of the modern age. Calling on scriptures such as Luke 2:38 where Jesus allows the disciples to carry two swords, Christians must recognize that the capacity to own and responsibly use a gun is a necessary defense against the senseless evil that would use guns to perpetrate such vile evil as was seen last week in Florida. When a Christian has the power to stop evil—even if it is by using deadly force to stop a killer—it is a faithful requirement of the scriptures to defend innocent life.

In considering the complicated and very divisive issue of gun violence in America today, it is also vital to remember the overwhelming power that fear has over American lives. It is a fear that is unfounded. Yet, it is a fear that truly is very real and powerful. This fear is accentuated as mass shootings become increasingly commonplace. It is a fear that has prompted some churches to consider armed security and motivated some Christians to rely on concealed carry to ensure safety in church life.

The fear cuts both ways however. Just as some Christians find comfort in knowing that there are guns in the pews, pulpit or at the entrance to the church, other Christians find the suggestion that firearms are welcome or allowed in God’s house to be a source of great anxiety. It makes people feel less safe.

Different interpretations of scripture, applications of theological foundations, and different perceptions of genuine fear combine to make guns a topic that Christians have a very hard time discussing. Add these realities to passionate opinions and assumptions of how the Second Amendment is properly understood; Christians find guns a topic of fierce division, anger and hatred.

Adding more fuel to the raging fire over gun violence is the scourge of simplistic social media pundits and high-profile fear-mongering by activist organizations. Impassioned calls for one’s own beliefs and quoting statistics serves only to encourage those who agree and angering those who do not agree. In the end, rather than coming together as people of faith, Christians disgracefully fight over an idol in the form of a Gun which has pulled our focus away from God.

Christians must do better. We must rise above the impassioned debates of absolutist opinions over guns and gun violence. We must acknowledge and overcome the very real fears that are driving the bitter divide in our culture over guns. We must prayerfully consider the genuine perspectives of those with whom we most disagree and work together for a shared understanding that is built on mutual respect rather than reactive fear. It is time we faithfully address the gun problem in America as people of love, faith, hope, action and prayer.