Jose Vicuna Guanacos

By: Joseph Rich

Once upon another time, my ancestors lived among the plains of what is now called Texas.



The legends tell of a time when the sky grew dark and the Earth filled with ice. Families went separate ways, some to the North and East, others south to avoid the snows.



My family went south passing over jungle and mountain range, pushing high into the peaks of Peru to observe the world and develop our awareness. For many thousands of years, we roamed the high places, until about four thousand years ago when the man arrived. Some of my ancestors would roam in groups, the “bachelor” herds. Others would be captured and domesticated.



Then there were those, like myself, who would remain free and invisible, except for those with a “true” eye to see. It is our nature to remain solitary and seek out options beyond the traditions of the ancestors.



We strike out alone and wander until we begin to gather our true families. Our mothers protect us and nurture our souls. It is our Fathers responsibility to prepare us for separation as adult males.

Upon maturity, our females are issued out to seek their true mates.



Our families are self-regulated, in tune with the Universe. During our development, many have sought to harm us from distant places. Many of us died and in some places came close to extinction. A few saw the “potential” to us. We have a royal (Divine) heritage, and our nature is to give, both male and female. The males among us are protectors and leaders. They guide us to our food source and heaven’s manna, keeping us on a true path. Each day we are guided to find time to rest in the high places where peace is found. Our females share unique qualities of complete loyalty and fidelity. They gather in a circle, our wounded, willing to risk capture or death to protect mates and family.

Those of us who have been domesticated show many sides and colors. Those who remain “un-tamed” have “clarity” of color and see the tapestry as ONE.

We are graceful and beautiful, having long necks from eons of looking for the Divine in one another, and beautiful eyes from having discovered what we look for. We emit sounds and whisperings unlike any other.



When danger is near, we are wise and “retreat” to higher ground where the only true safety exists.

Male and female, we are curious and will approach that which is strange. We understand the Universe has given us fleetness for danger or to move closer accordingly as guided. We are big bumps of curiosity, and though we may appear to walk away from you, it will only be a short lope. Then slowly we return and observe the “real you.” When we have learned you present no real danger, we will cautiously approach and linger a long time. We are observing your values, your soul qualities and hope you will love us unconditionally as we are.



Honesty is in the eye of those who are “real.” We call our souls our own. We are loyal, trustworthy, and affectionate. We share our honest hearts. We travel, not alone, among the high ground. We travel with those who hear our call. Our Creator has given us a purpose helping humanity remember that they too are called.

May you always seek to remember you are part of the Tapestry. May you bend like the wind-blown grass in high places to seek the Kingdom. May you see your potential and unfold your light within. May you hear the whisperings of the Universal Soul.


Your friend always,

Jose Vicuna Guanacos