Remembering President George H.W. Bush

Editor’s note: This article was submitted for publication Fall 2018. This is a late upload.

By: Rev. David Wilson Rogers

This week the nation bid farewell to a former President and, in so doing, reclaimed a glimpse of what true leadership embodies.

President George Herbert Walker Bush served the Nation in many powerful and prophetic ways. One could note his brave service in the Second World War, his stalwart leadership over the CIA, his work as a U.S. Ambassador, his time in the House of Representatives, his dedication as Vice President under Ronald Reagan, and his four years in the Oval Office as the Nation’s 41st President.

President Bush was not as outwardly religious as many other presidents have been, but his life and service exhibited a deeply ingrained Christianity that is noteworthy. He was humble, compassionate, good-hearted, and committed to timeless principles outlined in Scripture. His leadership was rooted in a genuine and quiet confidence and he never had to resort to bragging or mindless boasting. It was genuine and honorable.

Of course, nobody—especially one who endures the microscopic spotlight inevitably cast on the Oval Office—is perfect or without controversy. Throughout his years in public service, there were many who took issue with his policies, politics, and partisan stands. Yet, in spite of often bitter disagreement and even rancorous resistance, he was a president that earned genuine respect and admiration—something that is noticeably lacking today.

President Bush, in his remarks during the official signing ceremony of the 1990 Hate Crime Statistics Act said, “Bigotry and hate regrettably still exist in this country, and hate breeds violence, threatening the security of our entire society. We must rid our communities of the poison we call prejudice, bias, and discrimination and that’s why I’m signing into law today a measure to require the attorney general to collect as much information as we can on crimes motivated by religion, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation.”

Those words resonated this week as the nation paused to render honors to a genuinely great leader and one who truly embodied the character, qualities, and demeanor deserving of the title President of the United States. This week many Americans set aside political divisions, personal agendas, and partisan priorities to mourn as one nation in appreciation of great leadership.

President H. W. Bush reminds us that as Americans, there are values greater than, and ultimately much more important than, our partisan politics. Understandably, he was very much a partisan player and history necessarily records the partisan rancor and division that necessarily comes with a person of his dynamic public service. Yet, he understood something that Americans have largely forgotten and modern leaders have abandoned. Hate is a dangerous threat to our national security. As President, his genuine character and presence reflected this essential understanding of human dignity. Whether or not one agreed with much of what President Bush did in his four years in the White House at this point is irrelevant. What matters is that Americans take a page from this moment in history. Following the example of this week, let us abandon the hate of our age and demand leadership that promotes humility, compassion, and understanding in place of the sin of hate.