Human Resources Discusses Impact of Minimum Wage Increase

Article Courtesy of The Chase –

As minimum wage has increased in the state of N.M. at the start of 2019 year, Eastern New Mexico University’s Human Resources Director, Benito Gonzales, discusses its impact within student hire jobs on campus.

Gonzales elaborates on both the positive and negative effects the increase in minimum wage has had for the Human Resources Department.  “Our budgets didn’t increase even though the minimum wage increased,” said Gonzales.  “So for student hires, if someone was approved to work for $7.50 an hour at 20 hours a week before the change in wage on Jul. 1, the department can now only work that same student for 16 hours a week with the new minimum wage.” Gonzales continues, “It is beneficial to students, because it allows them to work less hours for the same pay, which is good for the student because it gives more time to study, etc.” 

Gonzales does believe there could be some negative with the outcome.  “For the employer, that is four less hours that we have that employee to work on things we need,” Gonzales said.

People may wonder how the increase in wages will affect student hire jobs in the future.  “If we’re talking about student hire specifically, I think it’s going to be kind of the same deal,” Gonzales says.  “As minimum wage continues to increase annually, it means there will be less hours that our department has to provide for student hire jobs.” 

According to Gonzales, work study job hours are not immediately affected by the wage increase.  If you would like more information, you can contact Benito Gonzales at (575) 562-2991.