
By: Adelina Perez

 Finally we are to the point where I can talk more in depth about crystals! What are crystals used for? Well, I am glad you asked. Crystals are more than just a pretty rock to leave on your windowsill, though most of the time that is exactly what I do with mine. Crystals are used for their metaphysical properties, things like mental and physical health. And if you don’t believe in the metaphysical uses for crystals, well then you can use them for pretty decoration around the home. 

 I started using crystal while I learned how to mediate, they made it easier for me to focus and gave me a reason to believe what I was doing. There are many stories that you can look up about crystal healing and how it had truly changed the lives of many people. For now, let’s keep it simple. We have 7 Chakras, starting from the top of our head down they are The Crown Chakra (clear or violet), Third Eye (purple), Throat (blue), Heart (green), Solar Plexus (yellow), Sacral (orange), and Root (red). I added each correlating color to show you how we can choose crystals that best represent each Chakra. If you have time, I suggest searching the definitions and uses of each Chakra. Why are Chakras important? Well, understanding each Chakra can help us establish where your issues may lay. Let’s say you often have stomach problems, that probably do to an imbalance to your solar plexus or sacral Chakras. With this knowledge we can learn to balance the Chakras using essential oils, mediations, and what do you know, CRYSTALS!

 Here are my recommendations for 7 crystals to get you started. Having one per Chakra is a great way to test out how different one’s work for you. 

Crown: Selenite, Clear Quartz
Third Eye: Amethyst
Throat: Blue Kyanite
Heart: Green Aventurine, Jade, Rhodonite
Solar: Citrine, Tiger’s eye
Sacral: Carnelian
Root: Bloodstone, black obsidian 

You do not need to go out and buy expensive fancy stones for this either, get a small, tumbled stone for $1 each. That is $7 that might end up changing your life. 

 When you go to pick out a crystal, don’t think about it too much. Whichever ones catch your eye are sticking out to you for a reason. Use them how you see fit. There are many ways to care for your crystals, each crystal is powered by energy and needs to be charged. You can go about this by cleaning them first, using sage, salt, salt water, sun, or moon. Once cleansed they will need intentions put into them. Depending on the day I will carry around different crystals in my pockets. When traveling I carry a tiger’s eye stone or black obsidian for protection. For me the intention is knowing why I am using that specific crystal and keeping it with me. Others like to warm it up in their palms and think about what they expect from the stone itself. Intention is everything, in daily life you wouldn’t be able to get anything done without setting the intention to do it. Same idea here.

For the most part I do use my crystals every day, but I use them in simple ways. Black tourmaline is an extremely protective stone, I place a piece by every window and door in my home. This protects negative energy from entering. I also like to place selenite by my front door, which cleanses energy. This is used to cleans any stagnant energy may have become attached to me or others as you enter the house. I have crystals stashed in pretty much every corner of my home. Like I mentioned earlier I carry them with me a lot of the time too, if I am going out, I wear carnelian, if I need to focus, I bring howlite. If youre looking for luck try green aventurine, the crystal of money. I also try to sleep with different crystals and see if I dream or not. Leprodite will keep me up all night, whereas angelite helps me sleep soundly. If you want crazy dreams, try sleeping with scolecite or auralite23.

At the end of the day, it is all about what you want out of the experience. For me I know this works. I’ve taught family members and lead them in a helpful direction and they too have found success in using these kinds of stones. But it is about what you are looking for and using them in a way that works for you. Buying a random rock and expecting it to change your life will never work but doing your research and setting those intentions will.