A Change of Heart

Why, oh, why is it so hard to be good?

By Naomi Vargas, Lifestyle Writer

Just when I think life couldn’t get any worse, boom! I wrecked my brand-new car. I think it has a lot to do with the chaos that has been happening in my life lately. When we have ugly thoughts, they tend to manifest in our lives somehow. I have been a real toot lately and I know that God said, “Oh no you don’t.” I have decided this week to have a change of heart; I need to come to the realization that I cannot be ugly or think ugly because this will cause nothing but bad energy in my life.

What will my new change of heart consist of? Happy positive thoughts.

Why is this so difficult for me? I try to be good and think only good things, but someone comes and rains on my parade and there goes all my good thoughts.

Why is it so hard to be good? Oh, but it is a piece of cake to be bad and mean! I must really work on myself; you would think at my age I would have learned already. Life is too short to be ugly, and I know God doesn’t like ugly. Why can’t I just ignore anything bad and turn it around. I am sure I can, and I need to start being better.

If you want good things, you must be better: You have to be good to reap good crop. I have been an awful person and caused a lot of hurt to others. I want to take back the ugly and make it better for everyone. With so much evil in this world, I would like to be a small speck of kindness for all that are going through something in their life. It takes nothing, just a change of heart in the morning when you wake up; choose to be kind to everyone you meet and maybe that small glimpse of kindness will cause a domino effect, and we will have caused more positivity than we know.

I started this paper on Oct. 28. It is now Oct. 30, and I have really been struggling with being a more positive kind person. First, my ENMU email was hard to access; I had to call IT and it literally took them four days to get me back somewhat where I could access my email. I have had so many struggles at home, I thought, If this is a lesson from God, I hear Him loud and clear.

I will say that through this little bump in my already rocky road I have learned that you can only do as much as you can and you have to let go of the rest. Live and let live, and try to make the best of all situations, both good and bad. Breathe in, breathe out, put one foot in front of the other, and focus on your life and do not take so much part in others. We tend to forget we have a lot of fixing to do in our own homes and want to be all up in others’. Maybe we do this because we think if we focus on others’ problems, we will forget our own. Fix your own life, and do not worry about the rest.

You may read my articles and think, What goes through this Naomi’s brain? She rambles so much. I promise I wish I could concentrate enough to focus on one topic and go with that, but so many other things pop in my head that there I go. It may be unusual, but I hope you can understand my writing somewhat and maybe get a glimpse of who I am and what I really am about.

I am just a woman trying with all my heart to be better, to get over past hurts and not cause others to hurt.

Be well.