A Message from Tilasha

Written by: Tilasha Williams

courtesy of pexels

This writing experience has been a real eye opener for me. I am grateful to have had this opportunity. At first, I didn’t believe in my ability to write stories off the top of my head. I realized that what I write is not really off the top of my head. It’s been thoughts in my head all along.

I didn’t know that speaking my mind would open this opportunity for me. Now, I’m writing stories for my school’s online magazine. Just last year, if someone were to ask me if I’d like to write stories for fun, I would say no. Writing these little stories for this workshop has opened my eyes and made me realize that I can do anything I am passionate about.

What is happening in the world right is sickening to watch. This magazine has been like an outlet for me to speak my mind on the subject matter. I wanted to use this opportunity to bring awareness to those that don’t really understand what exactly is going on today. From racism, to homophobia and these have been a problem in America for quite some time now.

These stories could possibly urge readers to educate themselves on the topics I’ve discussed to help change the world for the better. People’s problem now is simply that they are close minded on the ability to learn more. This is so that they understand certain situations better than what they were once taught.